Hearing Blog – December 2020

Home for the holidays

Dec 23, 2020

Usually this time of year I put in my article “Did You Hear The Bells on Christmas Day!”  Just a little jingle about hearing and the holidays.  This year our world is a little bit different.  While many will still have very small gatherings… mostly family…there are many people who are still so very isolated […]

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The importance of education and training

Dec 17, 2020

Getting appropriate technology is only one of many considerations when pursuing better hearing. The technology that you choose is only as good as the capabilities of the person who is actually programming it for you.  Your Hearing Healthcare Professional must be well educated on all the intricacies of the hearing devices as they specifically pertain to […]

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Ear is the new wrist

Dec 15, 2020

Stick it in your ear — why the ear is a smart place to put a fitness tracker Health and fitness trackers are now commonplace in our digital lives. As we strive to stay healthier and live longer, we look to these body-worn gadgets to tell us how were doing with our daily exercise goals, […]

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You the man … Sam!

Dec 10, 2020

Wearing hearing instruments with masks tend to cause … well… lets just say … distress for many. Many people wear hearing instruments that sit on top or behind the ear.  Not only does the hearing instrument sit up there but so does glasses and now the straps to the masks.  That is a lot of […]

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A New Year’s Resolution Short List

Dec 7, 2020

As we enter the New Year many of us will make promises to ourselves to accomplish certain goals.  Accomplish specific tasks.  These become our New Year’s Resolutions. They are our hopes and dreams for improvement in the months that lay before us.   While many will want to lose weight or swear they are going to […]

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Made for face masks

Dec 2, 2020

Face masks have unequivocally been a good thing when it comes to helping prevent the spread of COVID-19. But they present challenges when trying to communicate with others. Especially if you or the person you’re communicating with has hearing loss.  Face masks muffle speech and block important lip-reading cues. Both are key to understanding speech. […]

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