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Hearing Blog

Got ear wax

July 25, 2024

Ear wax… everyone get it.  Some may be very very little.   Other people will have tons!  Do you have earwax?  What do you do with it?   Have you noticed that since you started wearing hearing aids in your ears all day long that you seem to be building up more ear wax?   We all have it.  Some people produce more ear wax than others.  In comparison, 1 in 10 children, 1 in 20 adults, and ...

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Wearing hearing aids may prevent millions of dementia cases

July 19, 2024

Who knew hearing aids had the power to change the world? Today’s fact underscores the vital role hearing aids can play in the prevention of dementia. According to the renowned Lancet Commission on Dementia, Prevention, Intervention and Care, dementia has become “the greatest global challenge for health and social care in the 21st century”. But by simply choosing to look after our hearing health, we can collectively make a difference in the fight against ...

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Are your friends telling you to get your hearing checked

July 19, 2024

We all have those friends… the one who deliver us to the truth…or at least they try to!  lol!!  You know…the ones that harp on us.  Notice it gets worse as we get older?    I think it is because as we get older we lose all “filters”. Do you have friends that SUGGEST that you should get your hearing tested?  Why do you think that might be?  Perhaps you are missing more of ...

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High noise levels at work prove harmful to hearing

July 3, 2024

When you think about noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), it’s natural to immediately associate the condition with exposure to loud events or activities like concerts, fireworks, and hunting. However, today’s fact is an important reminder of how prominent the risk of NIHL can be in our daily lives—and that includes where you work. 1 in 4 workers exposed to occupational noise have hearing difficulty: Let’s explore the research behind this fact and ...

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Reese's law effects your hearing aid battery

July 2, 2024

Do your hearing aids use batteries or are they rechargeable?  Recently, a new law went into effect.  “Reese’s Law” changed how cell or button type batteries must be packaged.  To break it down… any type of button battery must require the use of “tools” or scissors to open the battery.  No longer can you open up a little tab of cardboard on the back of the battery pack…spin the dial and drop a ...

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Dealing with our personal limitations

June 27, 2024

We all have personal limitations that we live with.  Maybe you have a bad hip and it hurts to walk or even sit.  Perhaps your knees just ache all the time because they are “bone on bone.” Some people have anxiety or panic attacks.  Seems like almost everyone wears glasses or contacts.  All of these items we must personally deal with.  So how do we deal with them?  We seek out professionals who can help ...

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New research shows dementia link between your vision and hearing

June 19, 2024

Can Dementia be predicted?  A new study of 8623 healthy participants in the UK reveals that indeed it can be.  This is truly an awesome breakthrough.  A friend of mine & patient “Mike S.” Dropped this great article off for me at my office… great info… I will try to summarize and share…definitely worth the read.  THANKS MIKE!! As we age there is an increased risk of developing dementia.  Next to cancer it is on ...

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Five questions about the connection between heart health and hearing health

June 18, 2024

Did you know that your heart health is linked to your hearing health? There’s an important connection between your ears and your heart, and neglecting your cardiovascular system could spell trouble for your hearing. 1. How are heart health and hearing health related? Normal blood flow is critical for good hearing health. Delicate hair cells in the inner ear (the cochlea) turn sound into electrical impulses that travel to the brain so we can ...

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How happiness happens

June 11, 2024

It is fun to smile.  It is even more fun to laugh.  There is much research and data available on the health benefits of laughing.  Maybe your idea of happiness is just sitting in your yard and drinking a glass of sweet ice tea.  Perhaps it is casting a line while sitting in your boat on the lake.  Nothing better than watching the kids play baseball… Happiness happens.   What is important is that you know ...

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A deep dive into swimmer’s ear

June 4, 2024

Nothing says summer like a refreshing dip in the lake or swimming the lanes on a sunny morning. Or maybe it’s pool volleyball you dream of while planning your annual tropical getaway. Whatever floats your boat, it’s hard to deny that summer and water activities go hand-in-hand. Unfortunately, water activities can often lead to swimmer’s ear. (Ouch!) What is swimmer’s ear? Swimmer’s ear (or otitis externa) is an infection found ...

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