Hearing Blog – December 2022

Untreated hearing loss can increase the risk of falling

Dec 19, 2022

If you are an older adult or have a parent, grandparent, or friend who is not as sturdy on their feet as they once were, you’ve probably thought about or talked about falling.   Falls are some of the most frequent injuries suffered by older adults. They can be the scariest, too. According to data from […]

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Why can’t you understand?

Dec 16, 2022

You finally listened to your friends and family (and possibly to my articles) and got a hearing evaluation.  Maybe you did it “just to prove them wrong!)  Deep down you knew you were missing a little bit of the conversation.   The result:  you have a “High Frequency Hearing Loss”.  What exactly does that mean?  What […]

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The sounds of the holidays

Dec 12, 2022

The holiday music is playing!!  It is Christmas time!  Even the weather agrees.  A little cooler temperature helps to get most of us in the mood for the holidays.  When we think of the Christmas season we think of a joyous time.  It’s the season when getting together with friends and family is planned and […]

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Do you have a history of hearing loss in your family?

Dec 8, 2022

Our legacy and our ancestry can often reveal the journey of our future.  If we investigate our past there will be some key pointers about our future.  Many situations can change our life.  Some things will change it for the better, while others will have negative effects.  Many of our soldiers end up with PTSD […]

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Caring for hearing aids in colder weather

Dec 6, 2022

In places where it gets cold, it can be tough on a lot of things: automobiles, fingers and toes, and our psyche. But it doesn’t need to be hard on hearing aids, so long as you keep in mind a few things to do — and not do — when wearing hearing aids in cold weather.  […]

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