Hearing Blog – April 2023

Hows your health

Apr 27, 2023

How is your health?  Are you mobile… moving around and getting a little exercise?  Feel pretty good?  Hopefully, your life is full of fun activities.  As we age; many people will develop more than one health that they must deal with.   There is a name for this…. Comorbidity.  What is it?   It is the simultaneous […]

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What our brain does with sound

Apr 25, 2023

Have you ever noticed that if something happens to our body that we are able to just “adapt?”   If you hurt your knee, then your hip and ankle help you to walk and to shift the pain.  If you hurt your wrist, then your fingers might have to hold a pen a little differently to […]

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Tips for traveling with your hearing aids

Apr 19, 2023

Hearing aids are designed to be a large part of our daily lives and should be one of the first things on your packing list when it is time for a trip. Whether you are traveling for work or for fun, it is important to have a few tricks in mind when you travel with […]

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How to create a better life

Apr 12, 2023

Hearing is one of our most important senses.  It provides us with the ability to interact and communicate with others.  When we get a hearing loss we start to fade into the background.  What does better hearing provide?  It provides a better life.  How?  Why?   Maybe you have “normal” hearing.  Perhaps when you get with […]

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The importance of complete diagnostic hearing evaluation

Apr 3, 2023

There are hearing screenings which take about 10 -15 minutes…and then there are complete diagnostic hearing evaluations and consultations that take closer to an hour or more.  The diagnostic evaluation reveals all the necessary information to determine the state of your hearing, degree of hearing loss; if any, and the necessary steps to improve it.  […]

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