Hearing Blog

A Rescheduling Nightmare

Finally!  Things are starting to free up just a little.  People can start to feel a little more normal.  A little.  Patients can get some of the procedures done that they have been putting off.  It really is just crazy.

          Along with all businesses, we the people have had to develop a new normal.   Everyone has had to partake in a new level of patience.   Take a look into the craziness at our office. 

          As a Hearing Health Care Provider, we have always been stringent about wiping and disinfecting “touch surfaces” in between patients.  (Luckily, at the end of the year I stock up on supplies so we were set pretty good at the start of all this).   But now, instead of just wiping the arms and area’s of desks that are touched; we are wiping the entire chairs.   Soft surfaces we are spraying and allow in to dry.  Inside and outside of doors and knobs.   If you have ever been to our office you know we are bigger than we look from the outside and we stay VERY VERY busy…   When the CDC mandates came crashing down and business came pretty much to a screeching halt we had to figure out what to do with anywhere from 16 to 36 appointments a day.  We had to set goals.

          The goals were to take care of patients with hearing needs and not lay off any staff.  But what to do?  The CDC mandates demanded: “NO PROCEDURES”.   Hmmm.   So.. that meant NO hearing tests, No Hearing Aid Fittings, No ear wax removal of any type.  If you do then you can lose your license.   NO PHYSICAL CONTACT.  Stay 6 feet away.   At first we put signs in our chairs in the office to not sit in specific chairs…. that didn’t work… people picked up the signs and sat in them anyway. 

          As the numbers grew… we started curbside/parking lot service and we are still continuing that to minimize how many people are in the office at once.  This is quite a feat considering the fact that we are  seeing about 15-20 people this way.  Quite the exercise program too!  During the “lockdown” we had several people lose hearing instruments.  We had at least 8 -9 people a day whose hearing instruments just decided to quit working or have some other type of problem.  Some patients needed batteries, wax guards, general cleaning and various supplies.   We had people come up from Ft. Myers for help.  We had people from Hardee and Polk counties also.  We stayed busy, albeit a slower busy… we were focusing on our goals of keeping our staff doing what we do and being productive and taking care of those in our community with hearing needs.   That felt good and kept us productive.

          The hairy part of this… Bonnie,  our practice administrator had the Un-nerving responsibility of rescheduling an average of 25 or so people a day… over the next couple of months.    We don’t just sell hearing aids.   We clean ears.  We flush ears.  We do real ear verification and many other tests, from physician referrals, and check ups that are specific for time slots and clinicians.  So you can’t just take an ear cleaning appointment and stick it on another day 3 weeks out.  All the appointments have to balance.  Plus, we stay booked already with appointments for close to 3 months.  Therefore, it may be necessary to set someone their next appointment actually out 3 or 4 months in the future….. We can clean the hearing aids.. and even make some curbside adjustments or remote programming.   Many patients have opted to get their hearing instruments cleaned and we have set them for their fall/winter appointments before they leave us.  Many have purchased flush kits from us with instructions on how to successfully flush their ears. 

          It’s driving us nuts not to be able to get everyone in.  We had a system… which was working wonderfully well…. until COVID 19.    We are back to seeing patients.. but at a slower rate.  By appointment.  We always work crazy hours and now is no difference as this week has seen us at the office with patients until 8 p.m. tying to get people taken care of.   But this is not just a casualty of our office.  Every profession out there is having the same problems.  How many of you have had doctors appointments rescheduled for 4-5 months from now?  I did.   I had two that were to be in June call me and set them for the end of September.  I did like everyone else, and said; “Really?  3 months..”  All they could say was; “we are sorry.. this is a scheduling nightmare.”  Nothing I can do… Nothing they can do.  There are only so many hours in the day and so many people on staff to take care of us.  It is just a bummer.   Thus, a new normal and definitely a new level of patience.  The good part is… the numbers are going down on the number of people getting sick and the number of people dying.  So… hang in there.   Everyone is doing their best.  

          At our office we ask that you stay in your car and someone will come out and get you when we are ready for your appointment.   We are making EVERY effort to stay on time.  Someone will come out first to get your hearing aids and get them cleaned and checked.  This saves us some time once we get you in for you appointment.   (If someone isn’t out by your appointment time then call us 385-3497.

(When we set your appointment we have asked your make and color of your car…so we are looking for you).  When you come up.. we put hand sanitizer in your hands so you are not touching anything.   Therefore, unless you need to balance..please don’t grab the door and close it.  We will once you are in.

(This saves us cleaning supplies).  Wear a mask.  If you don’t because you have breathing issues… don’t worry…we are all in them… no worries.   If you forgot yours and want one to put on then we will give you one.  This won’t be for forever… just a new normal that slows us down and keeps us from seeing the volume of people that we normally see.  It is very frustrating to be sure… for us and for you. 

          I think all “small” businesses’ strive to provide the very best in customer service and satisfaction.  We have been awarded best Customer Service and Hearing Aid Center for over 25 years…and we are doing everything capable of living up to our communities expectations!  Call if you need us!  We will make sure and take care of you!  Take a deep breath and say a prayer for a smoother fall and winter! To Hear Better Is To Live Better!


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