When we think of spring we think of baseball and family outings. Maybe you just think of heading north. When I think of spring… I also think of a time in which our industry tries to raise awareness of the need to hear and communicate better. May is Better Hearing and Speech Month.
In Florida, life calms down just a little bit as many of our Northern Neighbors head home. We take a breath and focus on the need to reach out and educate those in our communities about their communication needs. Life is always better when our lives are spent with family and friends. Listening to stories and reminiscing down memory lane is very important for our feelings of well-being.
So let’s talk about this just a bit. First and foremost in having good hearing is taking an active role in protecting your hearing. You exercise to keep your heart and lungs in good shape. You wear proper workout gear…gloves for a better grip with the weights, sunglasses to protect your eyes, the right running shoes to protect your feet. It is important that if you around loud sounds such as guns, construction equipment, music, and race cars for example you should be wearing sound plugs or custom-made earmolds to dampen the damaging sound pressure. Did you know that if you are exposed to noise and then when the noise stops your ears ring…that you have done damage to the hearing hairs in your inner ear.? The better you protect your hearing the longer it will last you.
Celebrating Better Hearing And Speech Month is a perfect time to get that first hearing exam. Get your ears looked at by a professional. You get your vision checked annually. You should get your hearing checked annually. How do you know if your ears are full of wax, or something else; if no one has ever checked.
Having a problem understanding people? Is your spouse or friends getting irritated?
Then make the call. It could be a minor problem. Maybe not… it may be a serious problem that needs a medical referral to an Ear Nose & Throat doctor. Your hearing evaluation results provide beneficial information about your health that is made available for your primary care physician. Did you know that the results of your hearing test can indicate a possible cardiac issue?
Once you get your results… get a demonstration of what better hearing sounds like. Have your hearing health care provider put you in noise with some hearing instruments on and experience what it’s like to hear your loved ones as they sound. Make sure you take a loved one with you to the appointment so that you can experience the difference. Hearing well makes us all happier. This is because at the end of the day you won’t be tired from straining to hear. Your spouse, family & friends will appreciate that you care about THEM because you want to be able to communicate with them.
We only have one life. We have people that we enjoy talking and laughing with. It is human nature to be social. We spend many resources on our health… one of the most prevalent problems that adults have as we head over the “50” age mark is hearing loss. It is one of the most preventable problems and also one of the most correctable.
Your life can be quiet… dull even… stressful, lonely OR it can be lively and fun. Listen to the sounds around you; are they crisp and clear? They should be.
Talk to a Hearing Health Care Provider today. To Hear Better Is To Live Better!