AND….here we are in LOCKDOWN! So why? What does this really mean for you? What does it mean for business’s …whether they are “non-essential” or “essential?” What a term. Everyone thinks they are essential. Personally, I think everyone is essential. Not just businesses but also personally.
If you break down the numbers….small businesses in our country provide jobs and income for 58.9 million people. How many small businesses are there in our country? A whopping 30.2 million. WOW!! But the best number….. 99.9% of all businesses in the United States are indeed Small Businesses. This is 47.5% of our country’s work force! ( That’s a ton of people trying to stay “essential”
We have a very large number of retirees in our area from many areas. I know many of my patients were and are small business owners. I have had many reach out with words of encouragement….and I thank you!
As a practice that provides medical devices we are essential. However; just like with ALL business we are given guidelines as to how the practice should run to keep our patients and our staff safe and healthy…virus free.
Appointments are limited. Patient physical contact is limited. Social distancing must be in place and remote programming, telehealth, and working remotely must be utilized. This is not a suggestion..It is a mandate. All of this takes a hit on business. It also takes a hit on our patients needs. We all just need to do the best that we can and to have patience.
So…LOCKDOWN… what’s the point. After all, you can go to the store, to different necessary appointments…so what is the point? Really!? (I had someone ask me this today a I was delivering their repaired hearing instrument in their car). HMMMM…..hmmmm…….
This is my take. We are in LOCKDOWN because our community / our state just continued to carry on as if “it can’t happen to us” mentality. The problem is that the COVID19 virus is not just the
Flu. It grows rapidly inside our body…thus you can expose others for days; at many different places, like the store, doctors appointments, post office, gas stations. All this before you actually have any symptoms. You could just touch a door handle and 3 days later someone else touches it…and you are a carrier of the virus it has spread many many times. I found out the other day that you can also have the Flu and COVID19 at the same time. So that is a problem for sure.