Our ears are as individual as our fingerprints. No two ears are the same. Along with providing us with our sense of hearing they also can reveal many interesting things about our health.
They provide a sense of equilibrium. If your ears get congested it causes you to feel dizzy. Ears also contribute to our ability to taste properly. There are nerves in the middle of the ear called Chorda Tympani that run and connect with the underside of the face and sends signals from your tongue to your brain.
The middle ear has three tiny bones that vibrate to transfer sound pressure. The smallest of the bones is the stirrup, in fact; it is the smallest bone in your body. All three bones will fit on a penny, that is just how small they are.
Physically our ears provide valuable information. They reveal current and possible future health issues. Our ears are fully developed when we are born. The only thing that changes as we grow is our earlobes. They may sag as we get older. Just like the colors of your eyes, your earlobes may be a result of your genes. If you have earlobes that hang down away from the side of your cheek, then you have a dominant trait. Thus, meaning that one parent had that type of ear lobe and the other had earlobes that were entirely attached to the side of the face… all the way to the tip. (Recessive genes mean that you must have 2 copies of the same gene). So, if your ear lopes are attached all the way down then you got the same gene/recessive from 2 people.
Coronary Artery Disease. Look at the ear lobe. If you have a diagonal earlobe crease you are very likely to have coronary artery disease. (In the very bottom of the ear lobe a diagonal crease running from 8 to 2 (face of a clock.)
Just like the rest of our body if our ears are pale in color it is an indication that you may be low in vitamins or calcium. If they are bright red, then there may be a looming kidney problem. A deep red color may indicate loss of memory or constant headaches.
Ear Wax. It is now known that the type of wax in the ear can reveal your risk level for types of health issues. According to the FASEB Journal study it was found that “wet” ear wax can be an indicator that you have a higher risk for developing breast cancer. It is more reliable indicator for those of Asian descent. The wax also shows exposure to toxins, heavy metals, and pollutants according to the BBC.
Just a few interesting pieces of information for you to observe and ponder… remember to get see your hearing health care professional on a regular schedule as well as your primary care physician to stay in optimal health. Remember to put an annual hearing evaluation on your “to-do list.” To Hear Better Is To Live Better!