It is fun to smile. It is even more fun to laugh. There is much research and data available on the health benefits of laughing. I even have a friend who is certified in laughter yoga. I have to tell you… after a class of Laughter Yoga with Rhoda Ross (local teacher) you can’t help but feel relief and fresh energy. Pure happiness. I got to admit that you feel a little silly the first couple of minutes but that rapidly changes into pure delight. Everyone should try it at least once.
Maybe you are not a laughter yoga type of person. Maybe your idea of happiness is just sitting in your yard and drinking a glass of sweet iced tea. Perhaps it is casting a line while sitting in your boat on the lake. Nothing better than watching the kids play baseball… Happiness happens. What is important is that you know how to envelop that happiness and get the most out of it and then also to share it. Have you ever noticed that happiness seems to attract more happiness? My mom always would say to us kids when we were stressed; “smile honey, you will feel better!” And of course; we would give a have-hearted grimace and then she would say, “See, don’t you feel better?” Then she would chuckle and of course, we would laugh… Thus, happiness happened. Thus, she made us happy and got happiness sent right back to her.
Health associations worldwide know that the more physically fit a healthy we are contributing hugely to our degree of happiness. Physical activity leads to better sleep at night. Better sleep leads to better disposition and more positivity. This of course leads to more energy to do the things with your life that makes you happy. Good health is a must.
To make sure your health foundation is solid you should make sure you are taking care of yourself with at least annual check-ups with your Health Care Providers. These should include (but are not limited to) your primary care physician, cardiologist, ophthalmologist/optometrist, dentist, and hearing health care provider. Our body needs are intertwined so you should have a team of professionals making sure that all the “parts of your whole” are indeed firing properly and running as a finely tuned instrument. Stay healthy and happy! Visit your doctor and listen and apply their recommendations. Pay close attention to your cardiologist… after all; you need to keep that ticker in tip-top shape. Sharpen up your vision with a trip to your eye doctor. Get your hearing evaluated and if you need hearing instruments, they make them discreet and comfortable to wear. Advanced technology hearing instruments can slow down the progression of cognitive decline. What? Yep.
Keeping the auditory stimulus to your brain clear and strong helps your brain to stay active and alert. Wearing hearing instruments no longer is looked upon as a stigma of getting old. I had a patient last week tell me; “I am ready. I think people think I am stupid because I answer them wrong. Sometimes I interrupt people because I didn’t hear them saying anything!” Yes, he was ready… ready to be able to socialize with his friends and feel like a part of the group again. He was ready to make his happiness happen. Be proactive. Make your happiness happen. To Hear Better Is To Live Better!