We all have different needs and different wants. Plain and simple. That is the truth with everything that we do in life. Some people like to go on cruises, while others would rather go camping. Some people may love riding a bicycle while others prefer to walk. Some people will seek better hearing while others will just assume that hearing instruments cost more than they want to spend. The number of courses is variable. What is expensive to one person may not be to another. In today’s world there is a big range in hearing instrument pricing.
Why do hearing instruments have different costs? Well, just like most things that you can buy… Hearing instruments also have different level capabilities. In everything that we can purchase you can always find “GOOD-BETTER-BEST” It must be BEST for you…. best for your own personal needs.
Hearing Instruments come in several different styles and technology levels. Basic hearing instruments will cost less than those that can differentiate between speech signals and several types of noise …. all at once.
Hearing instruments that can do automatic adjusting and enhancing of speech with special features and sound processors make wearing hearing instruments so much more pleasing to the ear and the brain than those that are just basic amplifiers. Some have direct connections to smart phones or tv devices. Some are even fitness trackers. Some provide remote programming.
So… “GOOD-BETTER-BEST” … What are the features and how do they apply to your lifestyle. Your Hearing Health Care Provider should educate and guide you in making the BEST choice for your hearing needs. This is done with Patient Discovery, Companion Discovery and your complete hearing evaluation. To make an appropriate recommendation then it is necessary to understand what is important to the patient. Input from family members & friends also reveal in-depth needs and concerns that the patient may not even be aware of. Your hearing evaluation should provide speech testing in noise to ensure that you can carry on a conversation in noise once you are fit with hearing instruments. Putting a familiar companion in the noise with hearing instruments on will also demonstrate the ease in which you will be able to understand.
All of this takes time. Time to discover you…the patient…your loved ones…your needs. Not only do the types of features that the hearing instrument has noise cancellation or multiple microphones.
Factor into the cost of hearing instruments… so does the time it take for these professional services to be completed. Hearing Instruments are approved medical devices by the FDA. Just like other medical devices it takes a highly educated and skilled Hearing Health Care professional to select and fit the devices appropriately. Professional services that are associated with the selection, fitting, adjustments, and overall maintenance of the hearing instruments are often included in the cost of the hearing instruments.
So how do you pay for the costs of hearing instruments? There are many options. Normal of course.. Cash, Check, or Personal Credit card. Some retirement pension plans chip in on the cost…we file the necessary papers for you. Financing such as 12 month deferred interest… or extended plans as well. Hearing instrument pricing starts at $495.00. With so many different levels of technology and care plan options there is certainly a hearing instrument available for everyone. Don’t live in a dull world. Call and let us help you enjoy your life. To Hear Better Is To Live Better!