As our country rebounds and heals from a virus that put almost everyone and everything on hold our county is also working hard to recover. People were laid off or furloughed from their jobs. Other people permanently lost good paying positions due to businesses closing due to bankruptcy. Business owners look to the future to rebuild their footing in their community. There is a new aura. There is a new normal.
Highlands county with its’ location in the Heartland; truly, is a jewel in the rough. Residents and businesses alike; with their ‘down home values’ worked with one another to provide meals for essential workers. Many churches provided desperately needed meals to so many families… and they still are. Many, supported businesses and thus workers of restaurants by ordering pick up meals. This helped to keep some employees working…even though it didn’t generate the normal revenue for the businesses. Speaking as a business owner.. the need to keep the business running as normal as possible and to take care of as many patients as needed was a major guiding force. Once the stay at home mandates were put into effect the majority of people tried to abide by the rulings to stay safe and to help keep others safe too.
The curve has flattened and businesses are slowly starting to pick up speed. As we sat around and wanted to go sit at the restaurant and be served just to relax.. we pouted. Man we missed that. How about going to the movie theatre’s and getting a bucket of popcorn? Hooking up with some friends for a drink and a visit? If you snuck that one in then you felt guilty afterwards!
Everyone now needs to be diligent in their actions. Support your community. Restaurants are a long way from full capacity which means servers are also not getting full time or full pay. When you go out.. make sure that you are seated socially distant and if not then request to be so. Why sit and worry. If you see something that makes you nervous about cleanliness or causes concern for the safely of your health then speak up. Whether it is at a restaurant or at a doctors office. Believe it or not… not everyone is up to date on the specifics of protecting their own health. Some people may believe they are invincible. To that we reply… we will do our part to protect you and our staff as well.
As summer is underway… businesses naturally takes a downward turn with our northerners heading home. Before ordering on the internet…take the time to reach out to a business in your community to see if they carry or can order the item for you. Every penny you spend in Highlands County stays in Highlands County. The items you purchase provide employees jobs. The purchased items put food on the table so the employees children and family can eat. {So many families had to go looking for food kitchens..for donations). Spending money in your own county also allows businesses to grow…thus providing more jobs and increased pay grades. While business is slower over the summer…get out and visit some of those restaurants you have been missing. If you think about it… if a business is located in this county then they employ local people. Do your part and support our local businesses whenever possible… time to go shopping and get that special item you have been putting off. To Hear Better Is To Live Better!