Hearing Blog

How your heart health is related to better hearing

Have you had a cardiovascular check up?  How are you feeling?  Are you active and getting a little exercise?   We all know how important it is for our heart to be in tip top shape.   Not only is good cardiovascular health important to be able to enjoy an active vibrant life; its important for your hearing.

Cardiovascular disease can cause hearing loss.   Hypertension is another condition that can damage your hearing. 

Hypertension causes the small blood vessels in your ear to become damaged.  When this happens there is fatty plaque that builds up and constricts the blood vessels.  This constriction will diminish your hearing.   According to the Center for Disease Control (2017), only 54% of American’s that have hypertension have it under control.  75 Million U.S. adults have high blood pressure.  That equates to approximately 1 in 3 people.  More alarming, is that another 1 in 3 American adults have higher than normal blood pressure.  They are labeled as “prehypertensive”. 

A study that was published in HEARING LOSS in 2013 showed the link between hearing loss and hypertension.  Ages of the participants in the study were between 46 – 74.   During the study it was proven that as blood pressure increases the hearing decreases.   An important aspect of this study is that when the blood pressure was brought under control the hearing could be restored if too much damage had not occurred.  If you have high blood pressure make sure and get a hearing evaluation so that your hearing thresholds can be monitored. 

It’s important to pay attention to the “little” signals that your body sends you.   Make an honest effort to maintain a healthy life-style.  Exercise and watch your diet to keep your weight in-check.  Limit salt intake.  Exercising, whether its at a gym pumping weights or taking a walk everyday will help to diminish  damaging stress.  Walking 25 minutes per day will help to lower your blood pressure. (National Walkers’ Health Study 2016).  Drinking less alcohol will also lower your blood pressure.  All alcohol can raise your blood pressure… but the limit for women is no more that one drink a day is safe and for men you can have two.  More consumption than that can cause dangerous spikes in blood pressure levels.   Remember… 1 in 3 American adults are prehypertensive…  American’s work hours get longer and more stressful.  Do something daily that helps you to unwind and relieve you of your stress.  Protect your heart and your hearing… To Hear Better Is To Live Better.

By: Roseann B. Kiefer, B.A., BC-HIS


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