Hearing Blog

Global diversity and better hearing

Global diversity and hearing.  When I think of this I think of Starkey Hearing Technologies and their global approach to helping the world to hear better.  Their motto: “Together we can’t do much…but together we can change the world.”

If you look up the term Global diversity you will find this as a definition.  The range of differences that describe the composition of a group of two or more people in a cross-cultural and multi-national context.  A little more to the point…global diversity helps us to lead work and communicate more effectively across cultures.  (culturaldetective.com)
So why do I think of Starkey Hearing Technologies?  Their company employs over 6000 people worldwide.  They are the largest hearing instrument manufacturer.  While their main headquarters is in Eden Prairie, Minnesota; they also have companies in 24 facilities, serving more than 100 markets worldwide.  Starkey is the ONLY American-owned global hearing aid manufacturer.
It is very obvious when visiting the main headquarters in Minnesota that they are indeed an American-owned company but there is also the ever-present information and displays of their Global facilities and employees.   Bi-Annually, Starkey Hearing Technologies host a huge Business Leadership Conference with nearly 10,000 people attending from all over the world.  This outreach with other peers from different cultures and backgrounds allows for everyone involved to learn.  You learn different business techniques, different human interaction styles.  You learn that “your way…may not always be the best way.”  You learn to accept and enjoy.
Starkey Hearing Technologies global commitment has helped to bring them to the first place position in the Hearing Industry.  Over 2 years ago (2019) they introduced Artificial Intelligence Sensors and personal assistants into their hearing instruments.  At the same time, they released “fall detection” in the hearing aids.  This allows the hearing aids to send a text message for help if the wearer falls. 
Because the integrated sensors and gyroscopes in the hearing instruments allow for the instruments to know where you are looking and what you are trying to understand.
RECHARGEABLE.  Let’s talk about that.  Starkey is the first and only company for the last one & half years to offer a custom rechargeable BlueTooth product  (One that fits entirely in the ear) that has a lithium ion rechargeable system.  That is the Livio Edge AI and then quickly this rechargeable system was available in all levels of technology.  The release of the custom Bluetooth lithium ion system was in February of 2020.  While a couple of manufacturers are chasing the idea… the only one seems to have gotten close to such a release.  So really.. think about this… they are 2 years in technology and structure behind Starkey Hearing Technologies.  
Because of Starkey’s Global Diversity, they hire the best.  They work with the best minds in the business.  They strive to learn from other cultures.  They learn their needs and their wants and they give back to the communities with their Global initiatives to help over a million people with better hearing around the world.  This is why we like Starkey.  To Hear Better Is To Live Better!


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