Hearing Blog

Can I Wear an Invisible Hearing Aid?

Q: I was told I can’t wear an invisible hearing aid. Does that sound right?

A: Starkey Hearing Technologies has been building custom hearing aids — the kind that fit inside your ear rather than behind it — for decades. In fact, they are the largest manufacturer of custom hearing aids in the world. This expertise led them to create the Invisible-In-the-Canal (IIC) hearing aid in 2010. They were the first hearing aid manufacturer to bring this popular hearing aid style to market. Designed to be worn deep inside the ear canal, the small size and discrete positioning allows the hearing aid to remain virtually undetected. 

In addition to its small size and invisibility, the microphone sits deep inside the ear, preserving the natural resonance of the ear canal and retaining the localization abilities of the pinna. The position in the ear also allows a telephone to be held against the ear easily and comfortably.

Its small size, cosmetic appeal, and superior performance make the IIC a popular choice with hearing aid wearers everywhere.

The IIC is popular, but isn’t always right for everyone.

The size and shape of your ear canal may prevent candidacy because of how the IIC fits in the ear. Its size can also be challenging for people with dexterity issues.

Additionally, the IIC’s small receiver doesn’t generate as much power as Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aids receivers do. Sometimes, people with severe-to-profound hearing loss require more power to improve their loss.

Not all hearing aid styles work well for all hearing losses, this is why it’s important to see a licensed hearing professional.

Hearing professionals have the training and equipment necessary to inspect your ear, take impressions, determine the degree and type of hearing loss you have, and prescribe hearing solutions to fit your unique hearing and lifestyle needs.

Purchasing hearing aids is an investment towards improving quality of life, communicating with loved ones and fulfilling occupational requirements. Working with a licensed hearing professional who will provide fitting expertise and comprehensive follow-up care will help ensure success with your hearing aids, whether it’s a BTE or an IIC. 



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