Hearing Blog

3 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Hearing Care Follow-up Appointments

Like your car, teeth, and even your financial portfolio, your hearing aids and hearing health can benefit from routine care and maintenance. After a hearing aid fitting, your hearing healthcare professional will likely recommend follow-up appointments. These routine visits offer great opportunities to ask your hearing professional questions, have maintenance performed on your hearing aids, and keep you hearing your best.

Here are a few suggestions to make the most of these visits and maximize your time spent with your hearing professional:

Keep a journal

Adjusting to a new pair of hearing aids can be challenging. You will likely experience sounds that you have not heard in a long time, and find yourself paying closer attention to your surroundings. Before each follow-up visit, set aside some time to reflect upon—and take notes regarding—your experiences. Ask yourself if there are any new sounds that you have heard since you began wearing your devices, or if you have visited a new place that you were hesitant to go to without hearing aids. Ask your friends and family members how the hearing aids have affected their communication with you. And make note of environments or situations where your hearing aids work great and where you wished they performed better. Finally, write down any concerns or questions that have arisen. The more details you can share with your provider, the better – as they’ll be able to adjust settings and offer advice to improve listening quality and satisfaction!

Bring a third party

It can be very helpful to bring a friend or family member along to your appointments. Your loved ones likely have additional insight and unique perspectives to offer your hearing professional about your adjustment to hearing aids.

Research has shown that we immediately forget 50 percent of what we hear at our healthcare appointments. Maximize your time at the appointment by asking a third party to take notes or help you remember any important information.

Build a relationship

Your hearing professional can be one of your biggest advocates in your journey to better hearing. You will continue to have a relationship with your provider long after the hearing aids have been purchased. They will help you clean and maintain your hearing aids, answer any questions you have, and provide counseling during this time of adjustment. They can also give you suggestions for aural rehabilitation, and keep you updated on changing technology. It is important to find a professional you can trust. Continue to visit them for routine follow-up appointments.

In between visits, it’s important to take preventative measures to ensure that your hearing aids are well-maintained. Be sure to check here for tips to keep your devices in optimal condition!

This blog originally appeared on www.starkey.com


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