Think about your activities and also your kids activities. It’s that time of the year again…hunting season. Therefore, it is also time for a lot of people in our community to take assessment of the type of hearing protection that they use. If you are shooting guns then you should get the best sound limiting ear plugs or devices that you can. If you get the little foam plugs from the store then they will usually cut out 10-15db of noise protection. Some may provide up to 20db. Of course; that is dependent upon how well it actually seals the ear. You can also get custom made ear plugs made at a hearing health care providers office. They can be stylish or even almost invisible. There are many styles and purposes for the plugs. They have specific ear plugs for specific needs. For instance, Musicians ear plugs would be different than the type that an industrial worker would use. Custom made ear plugs can take out up to 35db of damaging noise and sounds. That is double of what most over-the-counter ear plugs will provide. Speech between two people carrying on a conversation is about 60db. (just to give you an idea of what 35db of sound reduction would be).
Depending upon your gun… almost all will produce damaging noise above 140db! Some guns and environments in which they are fired will produced noise up to 190db! Sudden noise exposure to sounds at 120db or more can cause IMMEDIATE and IRREVERSIBLE damage.
But other sounds can also cause permanent hearing loss. The list is lengthy: Lawn mowers, power tools, pressure washers, motorcycles, trucking, noisy bars and loud concerts. Not only do we need to be careful of how loud the sounds are but to how long we are exposed to them. The more intense the decibel level the shorter the time that you can be exposed to it before damage sets in. Did you know that if your ears ring after being exposed to noise…that you have done some damage to your hearing? If your kids are listening to loud music or using ear buds then limit the volume and the amount of time they are in the ears. Studies show that 17% of kids between the ages of 12 and 16 already have noise induced hearing loss brought on by the use of earbuds! GET NAGGY! MAKE THEM TURN IT DOWN! Make them take them out for a while.
Other than foam or custom ear buds there are also products such as SoundGear. This product can be used for all types of noise protection. There are 3 different styles. There is the SoundGear Insta-fit. It is the smallest and lightest on the market and provides dynamic and digital noise reduction. It is great for hunters or industrial workers and is comfortable to wear all day. They are ready to go right out of the box. Starkey Hearing Technologies also makes the SoundGear BTE (Behind-the-ear) and the SoundGear Custom. The BTE has two different technologies levels while the Custom has advanced electronic hearing protection and enhancement technology available on the market today. They allow for programming and personalization of your specific needs.
Protect your hearing and your families hearing. We often take our senses for granted until something happens that makes us take notice. Like something poking us in the eye and we can’t see. Or we get sick and we can’t taste food right or smells get messed up. Our hearing is a “sense” that we can actually be diligent about protecting. Be active and enjoy life. Do the things you do… and remember…the better you hear… the better you can do them and longer. To Hear Better Is To Live Better.
By: Roseann B. Kiefer, B.A., BC-HIS