Hearing Blog

Can you hear but not always understand

Often patients will come in and state that they have a problem hearing.  As I dig deeper into the consultation it usually ends up being an understanding problem and not just a hearing problem. 

Hearing is a physiological process of attending to sounds in your proximity.   To understand there must be the ability to “hear” and interpret the message that you are listening too. 

We all know that if we are not focused when someone is talking to us then we may misinterpret what what is being said.  However, our attention span is not the only reason that we may misunderstand when others are speaking to us. 

Hearing loss effects 1 in 8  people in our country.  That is around 30 million people.  In fact; Hearing loss is more prevalent that cancer or diabetes.  This is 1 in 8 people with correctible hearing loss.  Hearing is one of your most important senses.  Good hearing provides us the ability to be involved with others.   It wards off depression.  Being able to hear sounds at normal level also gives us a safety shield.  You will when an ambulance or fire truck is coming near you on the highway.  You will have better balance and direction of sound.

So can you “hear” sounds yet still have problems understanding?  How is this possible?  Well, the construction of the inner ear has a lot to do with it.  Deep into your hearing mechanism is you cochlea or inner ear.  The cochlea is lined with little hearing hairs called cilia that move from sound pressure and send electrical impulses to the brain.  If the cilia are damaged (thus a hearing loss) then the brain actually receives a damage signal.  Nonetheless, the brain has to use this distorted signal and try to make sense of it.  Depending upon which cilia are damaged will determine which areas of speech that you have difficulty interpreting. 

If you notice that you are having problems understanding people especially in noise then it may be that you have some hearing loss that needs to be addressed.   If you have a hearing loss the sooner you correct it the better it is for your brain.  You hear with your brain.  The ear along with your hearing mechanism is simply a coupler to get the signal to the brain.

To keep your brain healthy then you must exercise it.  Thus, you must stimulate it with proper sounds and activities.  Do you know that wearing hearing instruments 12 hours per day can slow down or even ward off dementia by almost 90 percent?  That is huge.  Even a mild hearing loss should corrected.  The longer your brain goes with out proper stimulation the harder it is for to adapt to the correction.  Your brain is worth protecting.  If you are having difficulties understanding speech then it is time to address the situation.  Make the call today!  Get that hearing evaluation and consultation!  385-3497.  To Hear Better Is To Live Better!!




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